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Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptySam Sept 06, 2014 2:40 pm Scris de Tox!c#
hey im in forum,im lagging on server need to fix it see you soon on server. bye

Comentarii: 1
Tankurile Japoneze au fost confirmate!
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptyJoi Sept 19, 2013 5:26 am Scris de Predator
Announcing the Japanese Tanks!
General News
Have you been wondering what nation will be added next to World of Tanks? Wonder no longer – we can reveal that it will be Japan.
The new Japanese tech tree will initially have two branches, with a total of nine medium and five light tanks. Models will include the fabled Chi-Ri prototype, the first …

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Versiunea 8.8 vine mâine!
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptyMar Sept 10, 2013 8:55 am Scris de Admin
Versiunea 8.8 a sosit!

Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal Fb

Cu noua versiune 8.8, vă puteți aștepta sa descoperiti noi tancuri, o nouă hartă și să fie un joc mai bun! Unele dintre noile caracteristici sunt enumerate mai jos.

Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal Fb

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Galerie Company
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptyVin Aug 30, 2013 8:47 am Scris de Predator
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal I1pr

Comentarii: 4
Fenomenul WoT : Romanii au spulberat armata maghiara
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptyDum Aug 18, 2013 12:45 am Scris de Predator
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal Clipboard01

Ca nişte fantome cenuşii de oţel, tancurile se mişcă greoi prin pâcla deasă care se ridică peste ruinele fumegânde ale oraşului: sunt şapte tancuri româneşti, ai căror comandanţi se pregătesc de cea mai importantă luptă a vieţii lor. La câţiva kilometri distanţă, din celălalt capăt al …

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Comentarii: 1
Video: T57 Heavy
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptyJoi Aug 15, 2013 8:27 am Scris de Predator
In this video, we will discuss the top vehicle from the newest American branch, the T57 Heavy. Watch now to get some insight into the history of the vehicle’s development, its characteristics and its performance on the battlefield. Learn how to play it well, or how to defeat it if you are opposed!

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Video: Q&A on Version 8.8
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptyJoi Aug 15, 2013 6:45 am Scris de Predator

Video: Q&A on Version 8.8
YesterdayGeneral News Comments
Even though the upcoming version of World of Tanks is still in development, we can already share some information about the new features it will bring. If you want to know about the new quests,  learn all about the new tanks, and find out what will happen to the existing ones, or if you just want to …

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Comentarii: 0
Top of the Tree: German Mediums
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptyJoi Aug 15, 2013 6:41 am Scris de Predator
Top of the Tree: German Mediums
YesterdayAnnouncements Comments
Continuing our 15th Anniversary celebrations, we will be launching another top tier tank special. This one will be about German mediums! Follow the research line leading to the legendary Leopard 1 and enjoy great discounts and credit income bonuses:
30% discount on purchase and 30% more …

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Comentarii: 0
Anniversary Manoeuvres – Light Tanks Month
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal EmptyJoi Aug 15, 2013 6:39 am Scris de Predator
Anniversary Manoeuvres – Light Tanks Month
YesterdayAnnouncements Comments
Forum gratuit : Wolfenstein: ET Romania - portal Fb
Do you remember our Anniversary Manoeuvres contest? To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Wargaming, we are having a series of month-long contests, each focused on a specific vehicle type. This month it is the turn of  Light Tanks! …

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